23 September 2008

Campaign Finance Tracker

USA Today's Campaign Finance Tracker is alive and kicking.

Aside from being perhaps a bit too engrossing, it takes campaign finance one step further by allowing you to filter down individual donations by location, amount, date, and business sector.

It's obviously no shocker that in Obama's home state of Illinois contributions to his campaign were more than three times those to McCain's. Likewise in McCain's home state of Arizona, McCain's contributions were about three times Obama's. The difference is that McCain's home state contributions (excluding those under $200) was $5,464,816 compared to Obama's home state contributions of $18,631,571. WOW!

I think the bigger part of the story is the data that is missing...not by any fault of the reporting team...but due to the fact that any contribution of under $200 is not recorded. Wow...
Obama: $189M
McCain: $51M

There are lots of other unspokens here...look how much both candidates have received via the max contribution of $2300.

Now that you have looked at all of this...check out the party view to see how lopsided it is from the candidate view. Not a real shocker, but all the same...and then the Independent Groups...Big names and big power for those guys - don't you wonder where your money goes?

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